Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Whatever Wednesday - Prepare for Battle

The roster of books for the SLJ Battle of the Kids Books (BOTKB) has been announced.  This is one of my favorite times of year because usually the list includes many titles I haven't read.  Since I had to do an end of the year book review session in 2011, though, I have read most of the books on the slate.  But, Not all of them!  I am so excited.

I can tell you what is NOT on this list.  Icefall by Matthew Kirby didn't make the cut. (Shock and surprise and a head-shake of disbelief!)  Nor did Stupid Fast by Geoff Herbach, nor The Romeo and Juliet Code by Phoebe Stone.  What about How to Save a Life by Sara Zarr (or all the other pregnant teen novels.  There were a slew of those last year!)? Or Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater?   What!!?? A book about flesh-eating horses from the Irish Sea didn't make the list??  Oh, well.  There is no accounting for taste.

Expect frequent updates here for the Battle of the Kids Books because I think this is one of the most fun events SLJ and its staff does all year.  Books for Kids Rock!



  1. Hehe. But if we'd put The Scorpio Races on the list we couldn't have had its author as a judge! (She's revealed in the SLJ article.)

    The Monica Half of the BoB's Battle Commander

  2. Sigh. I am so focused on the books themselves, I neglected to read who the judges were. Half the fun of this event is reading the judge's justifications for their choices!

    But Maggie could have judged matches other then hers, right? .... I guess not (crestfallen).
