Thursday, August 20, 2020

Words to Avoid When Reviewing Books - M-Z

I am feeling judge-y these days and have already embarrassed myself with late night scolding texts to a young friend - why am I even telling you this? Confession is good for the soul!!??

So I will be judgmental with words.

The final installment of over-used or unnecessary positive adjectives.

magical - (Bonk, bonk, bonk - head bonking)
magnificent - I actually like this word but the subject needs to be larger than life to make this adjective fit.
momentous - Quotes are momentous; events are momentous, It is a very rare book that is momentous;  - "Origin of Species" might be one.

nice - Nice is a nice word and is great for every day conversation. But books do not want to be called "nice", anymore than your blind date does.
nefarious - Just don't use this word unless you use it tongue in cheek. It's not even a positive adjective.
nutty- One person's "nutty" is another person's annoyingly frantic.

overwhelming - I have never seen this word used in a review but I can imagine how someone might think it is a compliment.  In pandemic times, we need less overwhelming-ness, all around.
O is not the best letter for compliments. I must resist the urge to type in any "O" adjective that comes to mind - olfactory? old-fashioned?
obvious   DON'T call a book obvious without just cause - obviously.

perky - Unless the book is running for Junior Miss or Mister, skip this adjective.
pretty - No, no, no, no...
popular - See "perky"

quintessential - It rolls off the tongue, right? Don't use it.
quixotic - I always use this incorrectly. Its main meaning is "wildly idealistic". A secondary meaning is "capricious". The root of the word is the foolishly idealistic character, Don Quixote. BUT I always think of quicksilver or mercury, hence hard to pin down. Words are amazing.

Q words are few. That's why the letter gets ten points in Scrabble. (I get points every time I work Scrabble into a post.) (Not really.) (But I do love that game.)

rip roaring - Please, just don't
rootin' tootin' - Even dropping the apostrophes and putting back the "g"s will not make this combo acceptable
righteous - This word's time has passed.

So very many "s" words!
startling It's a new favorite. Think carefully before using it.
scary? Hmm, sometimes "scary" is all one can say.

A lot of "s" adjectives sound like they belong in a reference letter that you might write for a former student or an old co-worker. Are you reviewing the book or recommending it for a position? You decide.

tree-mendous - I am not a big fan of puns.

unusual -  Calling something unusual is not helpful.

victorious - I have seen this! Is the book a new word spewing champion?

warm - Use this as a verb, please. Verbs have more power.
whimsical - How does this word weary me? Let me count the ways.

If you find an "x" adjective, use it freely.

youthful - Here is an exception to avoiding this word. If I ever publish a book, please mention the author's "youthful" voice or outlook or approach. I am feeling old these days.
yummy - No, not even for a cook book

zany - See "nutty"

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