Sunday, August 9, 2020

Sunday selfie - All the Little Things

On Wednesday morning, I woke and stumbled downstairs and grabbed my coffee. And I noticed something. The air felt comfortable! Not sticky. Not hot. Not muggy. Just fine.

I almost did not notice. So many things are off kilter these days. I still did not know if I had COVID-19 - (I do NOT).  And my eyes have floaters so my vision is off. The news blared from another room, a sound I am learning to hate. I had to stay away from people I love until I got clearance.

So that morning, I was not actually in the mood to notice how nice the air felt. But when I did, I sat down and just enjoyed it. I took a walk. I barely broke a sweat.

Little things can make life bearable. Little things, like comfortable temperatures, and trees, and mini cantaloupes, and sunflowers. We are awash in sunflowers. A walk in the less oppressive summer heat can build up a flagging spirit.

Because I took the time to notice a break in the weather,  I remembered that all trials pass.

The cooler weather is gone now. This morning, I came home from my solitary walk sweaty and hot.
Fall shimmers under the heat.

This time of COVID-19-and muggy heat - will pass.

I pray that I will see all of you on the other side of this craziness. Be kind. Be brave. Stay safe.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this little lift of spirit! It's the little things...
