Sunday, March 6, 2022

The Question of the Day

 First question, have you considered contributing to the effort to help the people in the Ukraine? It takes a minute or two to contact charitable organizations that provide aid to refugees. 

This article from Forbes magazine lists the top 100 charities for dependability. The second column tells you which charities deal with international concerns.

The charity that is linked to your worship community has already started to offer support to war torn families. So ask your minister, rabbi, priest or imam for contact information. 

We are lucky that only two minutes of our time can send help to people around the world.

Question of the day Project!!!

Yesterday, my Mom could not remember when she talked to her brother. Was it last night or yesterday morning? She remembered what they said but the time of the call slipped her mind.

 Since then, I have been thinking about memory.  And I have been thinking about stories.  When I was a young mother, it was inconceivable to me that anyone could forget every single detail of their child's life. Silly me. Our memories fill up so quickly and it's hard to find those small significant details that we treasured. We don't have a database that helps us find those details.

So, for the next week or month - or until I forget - I will post a Question of the day to send you down memory lane.

Today's question is:

What did you see and hear on your way to school?

The road that led to our house was bordered by a stone wall, that was about 3 and a half feet high until we got to the the end. The wall turned the corner and continued up the road that met our road.

But near the entrance of our road, one of the stone masons (WPA circa 1932) had pressed a small medallion into the cement that held the stones together. It was a picture of a child riding the back of a dolphin. We looked for it, and touched it, as we walked to and from school.

Several years ago, someone pried the medallion out of the wall. I still look for where it may have been. Old habits...


  1. I know a lot of quilters are making quilts in support of Ukraine but we preferred to donate money. One of the charities we chose was Catholic Charities because Poland is primarily a Catholic country and we know they are on the ground there.

  2. Favorite hiding place - beneath my aunts huge willow tree with thick fronds down to the ground. What I saw and heard on the way to school was a kindly "good morning" from the rosy-cheeked crossing guard, an older gent who looked like a little jolly Irish elf! He protected us from all the traffic of a big 5 corner intersection we had to cross.
