Friday, February 9, 2018

LBB Reports - Snails Are Just My Speed

Little Blue Bunny here with another timely book report.

I like Kevin McCloskey because he wears an awesome hat. His hair and beard are white and Claus-y.  AND he writes and illustrates very interesting books about weird animals - like pigeons, fish, worms and SNAILS. (Also flamingos.)

Snails are fun to draw.  Snails are slugs with shells.  (Ha! Ha!  A snail asked a slug if the slug was running away from home!  Hahahaha! Slug humor is the best!)

Snails have LOTS of slippery slimy disgusting MUCUS! 

And snails are so slow that even WORMS move faster than snails.  In this book, we find out that slowness is not always so bad.  If I tell you any more about snails, you won't read the book.  That would be very bad - because the pictures are pretty great.

Nana got this book, Snails are Just My Speed, along with La Matadragones: Cuentas de Latinoamerica AND The Dragon Slayer: Folktales of Latin America, both by Jaime Hernandez - same book, different languages - from MY FAVORITE publisher TOON Books.   Then, she gave Snails Are Just My Speed to D.  D gets everything (grumble).

But I read it first, before Nana, before D - and before You! Mwhahahahahaha! 

Little Blue Bunny, signing off.

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