Friday, December 2, 2016

Books of December - Patricia Polacco

The vibrant colors of Patricia Polacco's artwork brighten the winter months.  Her family background,  Eastern European and Jewish on one side, Irish and Christian on the other side, give her two rich cultures to explore.

The Trees of the Dancing Goats.   Trisha loves Hanukkah and she loves the brightly colored animals her grandfather carves as gifts during the season.  Trisha also loves her neighborhood and sharing her neighbors' traditions.  When she visits her neighbors, she finds that many of them are sick with scarlet fever.  There would be no Christmas for them.  Then Grampa comes up with a wonderful idea.

Uncle Vova's Tree.   Polacco visits her Eastern European background to tell a story about her Uncle Vova and his fantastic Christmas tree.

Christmas Tapestry.   When a pastor's new church in Detroit is damaged by rain, his son helps him find a beautiful tapestry to hang on the wall for Christmas Eve services.  The tapestry has a secret that leads to a real holiday miracle. 

Welcome Comfort.  Foster child, Welcome Comfort, finds it hard to believe in Christmas.  But his new friend, Mr. Hamp, the school custodian, gives Welcome a wonderful surprise.

An Orange for Frankie.  A young boy worries that his father won't return from a trip with the Christmas oranges.  Remember Christmas oranges?  My orange was always a bulge in the toe of my stocking, but Frankie's orange nestles with others on the mantelpiece.  This is another story from Polacco's family.

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