Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Little Blue Bunny Update, Part 1.

LBB update

D went to Chile to visit her mother’s huge extended family for a week. She is home now. She demanded to know what Little Blue Bunny did while she was gone.

“I don’t know,” I admitted. “He was at your house most of the time because I was sick.”

D looked at me and rolled her eyes. “Make it up, Nana," she told me.

So, here is what my hidden Stuffy Cams revealed.

Little Blue Bunny tried hard to “organize” the LOL(tm) dolls. His explanation is that, “D will like having her dolls all lined up, I know.”

 But Franklin and LBB were caught on Stuffy Cam arguing about making troops out of the dolls.

“She has a lot of dolls,” LBB told Franklin. "They could get a lot of stuff done. We could march on the living room and demand more rights for toys.”

Franklin just sighed as he listened. When LBB stopped talking, Franklin pointed out that toys have it pretty easy.

“We don’t have to work. We are never hungry. What do we really need, Little Blue?” Franklin tried to be reasonable.

“We need POWER!” LBB yelled. “We never get to do anything on our own.”

“Um, what about right now?” Franklin pointed out.

“I want more power than just doing things when people are not around.”

LBB got a lot of dolls to come hear his plans. They were not impressed by his power speech.

“He just wants US to do the work of marching and chanting.” Rocker shouted.

“Yes,” Fancy nodded. “What’s in it for us?”
Image result for lol dolls Fancy

“I’ll show you what’s in it for you.” Little Blue Bunny said sweetly. “Just follow me.”

Fancy went with LBB into the laundry room. LBB put a handkerchief over Fancy's head and tied her up.

“Mwahahaha!” Little Blue Bunny shouted as he ran back into the playroom. “If you ever want to see Fancy again, you will do as I say.”

The dolls just laughed.

“It’s not funny.” LBB said. “I kidnapped her.” …

Fancy walked out from behind him.

“Bunnies tie really bad knots.” she said with a smirk.

Little Blue Bunny was down but not out. He had another plan...

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