In the last 48 hours I have read:
The Magic Mirror by Susan Hill Long; (fairy tale style fantasy, pretty good) 3 1/2 stars
The Black Dragon : Mysterium #1 by Julian Sedgwick; (rock 'em, sock 'em, fast-paced underworld crime novel set in Hong Kong to be continued, of course.) 3 stars
The Storyteller by Aaron Starmer; (last of what may be a psychological thriller trilogy, or it may be a study in mental illness, or alternative fiction. This entry is good enough to read to the very end but I don't need to know what went before.) 3 stars
Swing Sideways by Nanci Turner Stevenson. (friendship/family relationship novel. I just finished this one and am tempted to say more. Tragedy rears it's ugly tissue wielding head at the end. Sigh.) 3 stars
Earlier this week, I finished
As Brave as You by Jason Reynolds( No one has a terminal illness in this book. YAY!!!!! Two city boys spend the summer at the family farm with their dad's parents. Family stuff, brother stuff, city boys in the country stuff and growing up stuff.) 3 1/2 stars
Mayday by Karen Harrington. (Uncle dies. Family flies to funeral. Mom and son are in airplane accident. Granddad is sick. There you have it.) 3 1/2 stars
Oh and a little cozy mystery novella and I started an
Aunt Dimity novel that I never read.
My eyes hurt.
But let me say this. I have decided that I will fight the urge to give any book that deals with C.A.N.C.E.R. more than 3 1/2 stars. As a survivor, I am well and truly tired of books that use cancer to manipulate their readers. The book better have me prostrate on the floor weeping; or feeling so uplifted I want to sing before I will give it 4 or 5 stars. But, that's just me.